Buchmann Bakery & Restaurant Distributor – Southern California’s Premier Ingredient and Packaging Supplier, Located in San Diego County

Tips to Disinfecting Your Restaurant

Because of the current crisis of COVID 19, also known as the Coronavirus, household cleaning products are in high demand and not available at this time, making it difficult for those in need.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) suggests that bleach is capable of killing dangerous bacteria (E-Coli, Salmonella, Streptococcus), as well as viruses like the common cold, flu and COVID 19, which means it is an excellent alternative for disinfecting.

Soap and water should be used to clean surfaces routinely, and adding bleach is suggested if appropriate for the surface. When using bleach, use these steps to safely disinfect surfaces:

  • Wear disposable gloves
  • Check to ensure the product is not past its expiration date
  • Follow manufacturer’s instructions for proper application and ventilation
  • Never mix household bleach with ammonia or any other cleaner

Information from rjschinner.com.

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