Buchmann Bakery & Restaurant Distributor – Southern California’s Premier Ingredient and Packaging Supplier, Located in San Diego County

Wheat Production Increases in the Coming Weeks

A new week means a new Market News report! For all things related to the baking industry, continue reading: 


WHEAT: Wheat was up on increasing tensions in the Russia/Ukraine conflict as Putin announced that he doesn’t intend to stop until he is ‘triumphant’ leaving peace talks in the dirt. Winter wheat conditions increased slightly, but still well below last year. There is some rain in the forecast for Texas which could help, but the snow storms in the Dakotas and Montana will likely slow spring wheat plantings. Crude oil has been up all week on comments that Saudi Arabia leads an OPEC decision to drop IEA data on concerns about U.S. influence on actual figures.

EGGS: Wholesale prices for cartoned shell eggs began to show weakness as the week advanced as the Easter marketing season is peaking and the market is starting to look past. Offerings are becoming more available while supplies are sufficient to sample for current needs. Interest is mostly moderate and trading is moderate. Wholesale prices for graded loose eggs have begun to top out as business slows and supplies are moderate even as offerings remain light. 

BUTTER: No new update available. 


Click HERE for the full report.

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