Buchmann Bakery & Restaurant Distributor – Southern California’s Premier Ingredient and Packaging Supplier, Located in San Diego County

Strong Consumer Demand for Shell Eggs

Ready for a new Market News report? Stay updated on the baking industry & continue reading below: 

EGGS: Wholesale prices for cartoned shell eggs are traded lower on light to moderate offerings and adequate to ample supplies. Interest is moderate and trading is moderate. Wholesale prices for graded loose eggs are up slightly at moderate trading. Interest is good with mostly light to moderate offerings and a range of supplies.

WHEAT: The uncertainty of the Russia/Ukraine tensions are causing volatility in the wheat market. It’s still dry in the winter wheat growing areas, but there is still some time for us to get some moisture or snow cover before it becomes a big concern from a market perspective. U.S. wheat is more expensive than the rest of the world, but Russian wheat numbers were said to be up $3/ton Fob from yesterday.

BUTTER: No new updates available. 


Click HERE for the full report. 

Need quality baking ingredients for your delicious creations? Count on Buchmann Eggs to deliver the best! 

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