Buchmann Bakery & Restaurant Distributor – Southern California’s Premier Ingredient and Packaging Supplier, Located in San Diego County

Say Hello to Christmas with These Merry Treats

The food and festivities of the Christmas season are something to look forward to every year. Not only do we have all the usual treats, but there are also always a few new ones. Here are some tasty treats your customers will love for the Christmas season:

When your customers are planning to entertain family and friends, this Cinnamon Roll Wreath will adorn the table and make a delicious dessert.

For yummy finger food fun, look at this Christmas Tree Pull-Apart Bread. This dish is shaped like a Christmas tree with pre-made pizza dough as its base with plenty of cheese, pesto, Italian seasons, and cream cheese in between seasoned layers. The ‘branches’ are easy to pull off and eat while your customers’ families sit around the dinner table.

Here’s a traditional Christmas treat your customers won’t want to miss – Decorated Shortbread Cut-Out Cookies. The cookies are cut into festive shapes and Christmas themes decorated with brightly-colored royal icing. They’ll make gorgeous table or tree decorations and then yummy snacks.

Related: How Cookies Can Highlight ANY Dessert Menu


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