Buchmann Bakery & Restaurant Distributor – Southern California’s Premier Ingredient and Packaging Supplier, Located in San Diego County

Helpful Tips to Save Energy At Restaurants

Restaurants have tremendous energy costs. This includes lighting, air conditioning, and power to run all the necessary appliances to produce delicious food. Many pieces of equipment require significant use of electricity, but there are creative ways to lower these costs.

Limiting energy costs and conserving power has several benefits. It will reduce costs on your monthly electrical bill while making a positive impact on the environment. Restaurant sustainability is an increasingly important focus, and working towards reducing electricity costs is a major step in that direction.

Here are several relevant tips to lower your electrical costs:

  • Begin the day’s baking with products that require the coolest oven temperatures
  • Organize your refrigerators so that frequently used items are located at the front; this will lower the amount of time the doors are open
  • Always cover dishes with lids to keep heated air in pots that will help lower cooking time
  • Only load fryer baskets to their stated capacity; overcrowded food takes more time to cook
  • Use the cold, outside air to cool your kitchen when possible
  • Assign an employee to review energy conservation monthly; this task can include thoroughly reviewing the electrical bill and checking the energy conservation steps your operation has in place

These tips will lower your costs, raise efficiency in the kitchen, and improve your restaurant’s sustainability.

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