Buchmann Bakery & Restaurant Distributor – Southern California’s Premier Ingredient and Packaging Supplier, Located in San Diego County

Enjoy a Sugary National Dessert Day

Desserts hold a very special place in our hearts (and our stomachs). Not only do they round out the flavor of a savory meal, they also lift our spirits! Nearly half of Americans will have dessert two times per week, making the States one of the most dessert-hungry countries in the world. Is it any wonder why National Dessert Day is so popular? 


The History of National Dessert Day

Where did this delectable national holiday come from? Every October 14th, Americans around the country dedicate themselves to creating their favorite classic desserts. This celebration was crafted to honor French cultural cuisine – believe it or not, the concept of dessert only dates back a few hundred years ago! France is well-known for its tasty food offerings, as well as its habit of slicing up meals into different parts (such as the aperitif).

Related: National Bakery Day Just Got Sweeter


Celebrate National Dessert Day in style by offering your customers all the classics!

Creamy Cheesecake: Sometimes a little slice of cheesecake is all you need. This is a particularly popular holiday choice and can easily be shaken up with gingerbread, eggnog, or pumpkin varieties!

Spooky Halloween Cupcakes: Want to hype up your customers for the spooky season? Halloween cupcakes are colorful, fluffy, and a great addition to a quick lunch.

Classic Doughnuts: For customers who don’t have the room for a cake slice, a little doughnut can cure what ails them. These fantastic treats can be eaten on-the-go and come in frosted, old-fashioned, and cream-filled varieties!


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