Buchmann Bakery & Restaurant Distributor – Southern California’s Premier Ingredient and Packaging Supplier, Located in San Diego County

Egg Demand Slows Down as Holidays Pass

It’s Market News time! As the holidays pass, this week’s report holds fresh updates on the baking industry. Continue reading below:


EGGS: Wholesale prices for cartoned shell eggs were unchanged through the holiday-shortened week on moderate supplies and light to moderate offerings. Demand is slowing as the holiday demand period passes and trading is moderate and focused on restocking. Wholesale prices for graded loose eggs moved lower through the week as business in the post-holiday period slows. Interest is fading and trading is limited. 

WHEAT: The commitment of traders show that the funds have been exiting their positions in wheat and are currently short in Chicago wheat. Railroad movement is 2-3 weeks behind with the shortage of workers – this has caused winter wheat basis to be the highest it has been since 2008. Wheat export sales have slowed down as U.S. wheat prices continue to be higher than the rest of the global market.

BUTTER: No new update available. 


Click HERE for the full report.

For quality & essential baking ingredients, contact Buchmann Eggs TODAY. Get baking this holiday season!

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